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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2022-11-24  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 583次

安科瑞 陳聰

Application of AHKC series Hall sensor in a communication company in Saudi Arabia 


Abstract: In recent years, due to the development of power electronic devices and the application of new technologies such as frequency converter, inverter and chopper, the waveform of voltage and current is no longer the standard sine wave or DC. The traditional CT is obviously not suitable for the measurement of the waveform. Therefore, many countries have carried out the research and development of non-contact current and voltage sensor, especially Hall current and voltage sensor is regarded as the representative of this technology.

0.項(xiàng)目概述: Project Overview


Saudi Arabia AFAQY company mainly do the installation project of communication equipment. The Hall current sensor they purchased  is mainly installed in the UPS power cabinet to monitor the current situation and protect the back-end equipment.

1.AHKC系列霍爾傳感器介紹 AHKC Series Hall current sensor

霍爾傳感器,適用于交流、直流、脈沖等復(fù)雜信號(hào)的隔離轉(zhuǎn)換,通過(guò)霍爾效應(yīng)原理使變換后的信號(hào)能夠直接被AD 、DSP、PLC、二次儀表等各種采集裝置直接采集和接受,體積小,壽命長(zhǎng),安裝方便,響應(yīng)時(shí)間快,電流測(cè)量范圍寬精度高,過(guò)載能力強(qiáng),線性好,抗干擾能力強(qiáng)等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。

Hall sensor is suitable for the isolation and conversion of complex signals such as AC, DC and pulse. Through the Hall effect principle, the converted signal can be directly collected and accepted by various acquisition devices such as ad, DSP, PLC and secondary instrument. It has the advantages of small volume, long service life, convenient installation, fast response time, wide current measurement range, high precision, strong overload capacity and good linearity, It has the advantages of strong anti-interference ability.


2.型號(hào)說(shuō)明Model description


3.安裝圖片Installation picture




In the UPS power system, the closed-loop Hall current sensor is used to measure the output current, and the ups controller carries out feedback control according to the current to ensure the normal operation of the inverter. Because of its fast response speed, it is especially suitable for uninterruptible power supply in computer.

參考文獻(xiàn) Bibliography

1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2020.02


蘇公網(wǎng)安備 32028102001251號(hào)